Posts Tagged: Collective Creation

Feature Friday(ish): Limited Edition, Indigenous Made Fashion For Parents and Kids

Logo Okay moms and dads. I have some limited edition CUTE, FRESH and totally RAD gear you want to know about! The recently launched Setsuné Indigenous Fashion Incubator is fundraising for its 2015 Workshop Series and Collective Creation Project. The Incubator has been created to support the creation of new works in fashion, textiles and wearable art by young Indigenous women and mother artists (16-35); and all the proceeds go directly towards eliminating some of the barriers Indigenous women and mothers may otherwise face, such as priority access to programs, childcare, transit, meals, and materials. Setsuné reserves a majority of registration spaces at their workshops for Indigenous women, although the workshops are open to everyone to learn and about Indigenous arts, traditions, practices and protocol.

I knew that my community of parents would want to support this endeavour, especially since knowing that all proceeds support a good cause … 

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