Posts in Category: Wyndham

The Babe, She Sleeps. At 1 Month Old Today!

The BSM is away on tour. This video of their Tom Foolery during a Robson Valley mudslide has some to do with their musical talent but all sorts to do with their plain awesomeness.

It’s a Girl! Introducing Abigail Mills. Blog Roundup & Pictures.

Middle name(s) to be established. You can read more about that here.

What an epic couple of weeks! It began with having a baby. A girl! Yay! Ruffles! Vintage dresses! Another female in the house.

Phew. Now we’re all on even playing ground, which, clearly – is necessary. For the sake of all boobs and neighbours involved.

It then continued with the WSL having the nastiest, most contagious virus ever. It was awesome. Yep.

I’m not going into a full tale of my Birth Story, as I’m saving that to pair with the video (it’s a documentary I said!) the BSM and I are working on.

What The Heck Yo!!!!!!!

Cheeky Bongo Boy

The WSL has been testing his lungs and his rhythm…which just happens to peak right after bath-time. He insists on streaking – and well, all babes should have some nekked time each day. Imagine (most of us can’t remember) what it would be like wearing a diaper 24/7. Plus, the tooshie is painfully cute. Undeniably, ridiculously adorable. Smile.

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