Posts in Category: Disney Baby

10 Summertime Outdoor Activities: Toddler & Baby Edition

I’m all about merging the age gap between my 11 month old and 2 1/12 year old. When it comes to activities that is. There are enough times that each of them have their own personal play, or activities just for them, specific to their stage in development and skill. That stuff is important. Fo the most part though, we try to blend. Things aren’t always harmonious, as those of you with toddlers and babies know.

Although I am sure the same could be said for most siblings, regardless of their age. However, the baby toddler times are succinct to that of pretty much constant surveillance. Until the object launching, pushing and other forms of bodily contact become less so. Those wily little bohemians!

The summer is such a carefree, luxurious time with little ones wherein you can get messy, creative and a tad bit wild. I mean, a water table in the house? Not so much. I’ve rounded up my favourite fun and inexpensive outdoor activities to engage your littles with, during the sweetness of summertime, what are yours?

On Making Time

For the mommas and the pappas.

Seems nearly impossible. We are too tired. We are too busy. We are constantly in the thick of it: work, house and home, babies, toddlers, chores, repeat. It’s endless. And wide open. I’ve been on a slow and steady remembrance of this everyday. To not get caught up in the stress of the endless, but rather live the dream of the wide open peace. Wild, crazy, young family, peace. Not all peace has to be tranquil and quiet. But, sometimes, it should be.

To create a home filled with joy. Where we create moments, hours and days that flow more than they crash. Some would say this should come naturally. And sometimes yes, it does. But also? It’s hard work people. Sugar-coat I won’t. 

A Toddler’s Fear of Water: Gentle Perseverance

When we first arrived in Mexico, we thought our young lad would be all about the water. Having experienced his fear of the water last summer season back home at our local beach, we were active in helping him overcome those fears, gently, without force. Our patience and calm nature seemed to work and by the end of the summer Wyndham was frolicking about in the waves without a care in the world.

Which is why we thought that this summer he’d be ready to attempt learning some swimming with us, use a paddle-board, maybe some head under water action. We especially thought he’d be stoked with all of the pools and miles of beach we are surrounded with here in Mexico.

First rule of parenting that we keep learning over and over again?

Never think you have it all figured out, or that you have a routine. Because little humans are just like us big ones who have the right to change our minds about what we fancy, when we want to sleep and eat, etc.


No matter how much we may think he’d have a splendid time splashing about in the pool with us, his sister, his cousin, other family and friends – it was important for us to remember that we can’t push our own expectations onto our little guy. While there may be a large number of little ones who joyously take to the water, there are also a bunch of babies and toddlers who would rather be doing anything else. Anything. Which is completely normal.

My Top 10 Ways To Gently Help a Toddler Overcome Their Fear of the Water…

Magical Moments: Pictorial

It’s been 10 months since Wyndham became a big brother and what a joy it has been to watch them grow together, and discover their love for each-other. At times, stepping in as the referee is less enchanting – usually to keep Wyndham from launching blocks at his little sister’s head…but that all comes with the territory, right?

Being so close in age; 2 1/2 (Wyndham) and 10 months (Abby), I’m starting to hit a stride. One that savours all of the precious moments and pauses on being too reactionary when Wyndham gets physical with his little sister. We’re all just figuring this out together as a family, with as much love and positivity that we can muster. Which isn’t hard really – most of the time, except when it isn’t. Moms of littles close in age out there, I know ya feel me.

With my exciting new writing gig with Disney Baby (starts next month!) I wanted to provide some of the audience I’ll be connecting  with there, a real, visual sense of who we are as a family and of our littles as siblings. The best part about all of this is, it doesn’t even feel like work! I mean, talking about my babies? Sharing tips with other Momma’s out there? Right up my alley. Without further ado, here are some of my favourite pictures of Abby and Wyndham over the past 10 months. Family pics up next week…enjoy!

4 Sleeps Till Mexico: Baby,Toddler & Family Checklist

Whut whuuuuuut.

Lately I’ve teetering on this edge of a precipice leading to doom. The kind of doom that smells distinctly of burning. Or rather burn-out. Which is why I can barely contain my anticipation to borad a plane bound for the Riviera Mayan. It’s our first vacation as a family of four. It’s the first time the mister and I have ever ben to an all inclusive resort together. So thanks sister-in-law for having a destination wedding!

Packing up for a week of sun and sand with two littles is no easy feat, that which I can more or less glean. We’ve packed up our van many a time fore more local road-tripping, camping or touring with the mister with his band when accommodations and locations allow. This trip however – logically calls for some extra special organizing and planning. Which should all start from a list, right?

Lists are shiny, golden paths to success. For those who don’t know that…y’all get with the program! So, this shall be my own personal list that I share with all of you momma’s out there who are about to embark on a similar journey with smalls in tow.

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