This is no Master Cleanse water. Not that I have anything against that – it’s just not something you’d want to sip on everyday, unless you’re really hardcore and favour the taste of cayenne, maple and lemon in your water. Once a year for a designate period of time, sure.
The ingredients below however, I find to be quite a delicious and refreshing combination anytime!
Since I’m doing a wee little 10 day fast, consuming nothing but smoothies, bone broth, herbal teas, water and this detox water, I thought I’d document a bit about the process and share some of the recipes. This can be enjoyed everyday, any day – whether you are doing a cleanse and/or fast or not.
whyCUCUMBER: anti-inflammatory and dehydrating
whyMINT: settles your tummy, nice flavour, aids in digestion
whyLEMON: aids in digestion, boots immunity, cleanses and alkalizes the body
- 1 organic cucumber
- 2 organic lemons
- 1 bunch of fresh organic mint
- 16 cups of fresh, cold, filtered water
- Pretty basic prep here! Wash, slice and add the ingredients to a big-ass pitcher and enjoy on ice or at room temperature. I often use my wooden citrus reamer on some of the cuke and lemon to infuse the water with more flavour. You'll find a jug of this in my fridge or on my dining room table most of the time!