Beet, Carrot, Apple, Ginger Smoothie

I’ve had quite a few friends ask me to start up a smoothie index here so here we are. Since I’m doing a 10 day smoothie cleanse, it would seem the perfect time.

I had a mild cold last week, yet another germy spread from Abby’s daycare no doubt. I thought I was done for, yet two days after making this my morning smoothie, my system seemed to realign itself very quickly.

Maybe it was just a mild cold, maybe this fresh, invigorating and healing combo helped do the trick. I’m going with the latter, given that I do indeed prescribe to the *FACT* that food is medicine.

Beets in a smoothie you say? Hells yes – just try it before you turn your nose up at it. This definitely isn’t going to taste like a chocolate milk shake, but I can promise you it won’t taste like ass either. And your body and brain will love you for it.


Natural Cold Buster: Beet, Apple, Carrot, & Ginger Zinger! (Smoothie)
Recipe type: Smoothie
Prep time: 
Total time: 
What You'll Need
  • 1 gala apple, de-seeded - rough chop
  • 1 carrot, rough chop
  • 1 beet, cubed
  • 3 tbsp. fresh ginger (estimated chunks are fine, they will blend nicely so no need to grate)
  • 2 or 3 beet leaves and stems
  • ½ a lemon - de-seeded
  • Coconut / pineapple water (loving this one because it doesn't taste like dirty socks)
How You Do
  1. Easy stuff here friends. Wash and prep all of your ingredients and place in a high powered blender and top off with the coconut/pineapple water and ice. Blend and enjoy. This make a 6 cup blender full, enough to feed a family of 4, or to have leftovers stored in a mason jar in the fridge for the next day!



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