#RealMamaLife: From The Vault(ish)
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‘Where we embrace the glory and humour in the chaos. Un-staged and imperfectly beautiful.’
You know, I don’t really miss this baby. I LOVE(D) that baby and will treasure the memories.

But I am all about this kid business.

We’re nearly diaper free (1 more to ‘train’), and I have a boy who reads books and tells me he loves me and helps his dare-devil sister up the big kid jungle gym to venture down the twirly slide.
Is it supposed to be bittersweet…the passage of time from baby-hood and toddler-hood into childhood? Am I supposed to get all wishy-washy and teary eyed when I look back on pictures of my boy as a newborn, mewling babe?
I’m glad to be out of the newborn and baby stages. I’m looking forward to big kid stuff.
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Until the next. xo
[…] in Motherhood,Real Mama Life If you’re looking for this week’s link-up, you can find it here! […]
I linked to your blog from Disney Baby! Thank you so much for the feature in your post over there. It is wonderful.
I completely agree with you on babies growing up! We are loving every new stage with our kids. It is fun when we are able to take them out to do more things with them!!